The right to rectify false or inaccurate news that are published by the media
What can a person/company/entity do if any media publishes false or inaccurate news about him/it?
The right of rectification is the one that every person/company/entity has to have modified certain information disseminated by a means of communication, provided that the news deals with facts that allude to that person/company/entity, that the latter considers them inaccurate and that the disclosure may also be harmful to them.
Since 1984 it has been regulated in Spain by Organic Law (L.O. 2/1984 of March 26), however, it is necessary to complement its provisions with the particularities introduced in 2018 by the regulations on data protection (L.O. 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights) that makes special mention of the case of information on the Internet.
Any person, natural or legal, who has been alluded to by the published news, as well as their legal representatives can exercise their right of rectification. Even in the case of the death of the aforementioned person, the rule allows their heirs or their representatives to exercise the right of rectification.
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