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The Spanish Supreme Court asks to clarify what an electric scooter is

The plenary session of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has agreed to demand a clearer administrative classification of personal mobility vehicles (in Spanish "VMP"), given their impact on road safety.

The Supreme Court confirms in a recent Sentence the acquittal of a woman accused of driving an electric scooter without a circulation permit, which the agents considered a moped (in Spanish called "ciclomotor").

The Chamber understands that:

"The new social reality that shows the multitude of devices with the characteristics of the VMP, should lead to a clearer administrative classification, given the diversity of devices with circulation capacity, or the prompt requirement of an administrative certification that accredits its technical configuration, necessary for its circulation, in the terms that, certainly, are already being legislated in this matter.

The same with respect to the need, or not, to require some type of license, knowledge or technical ability to circulate with these new vehicles, and other aspects that are considered of interest, given the impact on road safety that We all have to worry about."

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