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The Abbreviated Procedure in Spanish Administrative Law

The abbreviated procedure is regulated in article 78 of the Law of the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction.

This procedure is applied when the Contentious-Administrative Courts, and the Central Contentious-Administrative Courts know of the execution of final acts, of matters related to the personnel of the Administrations, of immigration matters and inadmissibility of asylum requests, doping in sports matters, and issues that have an amount of less than € 30,000.

It is an essentially oral procedure centered on the hearing, where the facts are established and allegations are made, and the proposed and accepted evidence is made. The conclusions that are presented after the test will also be oral.

This administrative procedure presents some peculiarities of the in relation to the ordinary procedure (another administrative procedure), highlighting that the initiation occurs directly by lawsuit (in the ordinary procedure it can occur, but in few cases); likewise, the evidence process does not allow the formulation of questions and cross-examination of witnesses.

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