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Judicially declared non-working those days between December 24th and January 6th

Christmas 2023 will be non-working days for procedural purposes. The same as the previous year, although this year for conciliation and non-pandemic reasons, thanks to an amendment introduced by PSOE and UP in the sedition reform,

The reform will be voted in Congress and the amendment in question will modify the Judiciary Law of 1985, so that for procedural purposes there will be a number of days of the year without activity, including these Christmas days. Specifically, article 183 of the 1985 regulation is modified, in which it will be stated that:

"the days of the month of August will be non-business days, as well as every day from December 24th to January 6rh of the following year, both inclusive, for all judicial actions, except those that are declared urgent by procedural laws. However, the General Council of the Judiciary, through regulations, may authorize them for the purposes of other actions."

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