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Declaration Deed of Anticipated Wills in Spain

Updated: May 16, 2023

The Declaration of Anticipated Wills/Directives ("Declaración de Voluntades Anticipadas"), also called the Living Will ("Testamento Vital") or Prior Instructions Document ("Documento de Instrucciones Previas"), it is the written statement of the instructions that must be taken into account about the health care that the person wishes to receive in situations that prevent them from personally communicating their will or about the fate of their body and/or organs, once death has occurred.

The registration of the Declaration of Anticipated Wills/Directives in the corresponding Registry guarantees the declarant that the instructions regarding their own health reflected in their Declaration will be carried out, provided that the conditions established in the legislation are met.

Current legislation obliges the doctor to consult the RDVA (Register of Anticipated Wills) when the patients are in a situation that prevents them from expressing themself.

The Spanish Health Administration does not guarantee compliance with other types of instructions relating to other matters (such as body donation or burial method) that are addressed to other organizations or persons (such as family members).

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